Heat Quilt by Zoe Kaputa

Heat Quit aims to display data related to sexual violence in the city of Seattle along with examining our current state of data visualization and representation to find a more embodied and appreciative form of interacting with data.

Wearable Narratives #4

Fourth meeting of the Wearable Narratives DRG focused on discussing ideas about individual projects and looking at reference projects for inspiration and for building a work methodology

Wearable Narratives #1

First online meeting of the Wearable Narratives directed research group at DXARTS, comprised by Esteban Yosef Agosin (DXARTS), Grace Barar (HCDE/DXARTS), Rylie Sweem (HCDE/DXARTS), Xintong Xu (Art IVA/ DXARTS),
Zoe Grace Kaputa (Computer Science), and Sadaf Sadri (Art Photomedia), and led by Afroditi Psarra.

Voices + Voids: website launch, moderated discussion and online performance organized by the Jacob Lawrence Gallery

Responding to current concerns about the ubiquity of voice assistants, this artistic research by Afroditi Psarra, Audrey Desjardins, and Bonnie Whiting, focuses on building a series of performative artifacts that aim to challenge AI and ML technologies, and to examine automation through the prism of “ghost work” that constantly support these systems.